The initiative of the cultural walks to the Worker’s Village of Panzano, organized by the Municipality of Monfalcone in collaboration with the Mu\Ca – Museo della Cantieristica di Monfalcone, continues.
The next appointments will take place, by appointment, on May 5 and 19, June 2 and 16, 2024 with departure at 10.00 am from the former Hotel for Employees (Albergo Impiegati), Europalace Hotel, via Callisto Cosulich 20. Time of travel about 1 hour, the initiative ends at the former Hotel for Workers (Albergo Operai), Mu\Ca – Museo della Cantieristica di Monfalcone. From 11.30 am it will be possible to visit the museum.
All cultural walks are free of charge and take place in full compliance with current regulations (starting from a minimum of 5 people up to a maximum of 24 people,) while the entrance to MuCa with guided tour has the standard cost of € 5 reduced entrance + € 4 guide service, with independent visit the cost is € 7 full, € 5 reduced.
Reservations required by the previous Saturday: 0481 494901